Check Your Tax Consultant Status? Here’s How

Redaksi DDTCNews
Senin, 22 Februari 2021 | 11.20 WIB
Check Your Tax Consultant Status? Here’s How

Information from Directorate General of Taxes. (Instagram @ditjenpajakri)

JAKARTA, DDTCNews – The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has launched the Tax Consultant Information System (Sistem Informasi Konsultan Pajak, hereinafter referred to as SIKoP) application that contains a list of official and registered tax consultants.

Through its Instagram account, the DGT states that a tax consultant is a person who provides tax consulting services to taxpayers in respect of the exercise of tax rights and fulfilment of tax obligations pursuant to statutory tax provisions.

“Thus, if #KawanPajak wishes to use the services of a tax consultant to fulfil their tax rights and obligations, make sure the tax consultant has been registered with SIKoP!” wrote the DGT, Monday (22/2/2021).

Two channels are available for taxpayers to check the status of tax consultants. First, entering the tax consultant’s name or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) as a keyword in the search menu on the http://konsultan.pajak.go.id webpage. Second, contacting the tax office (KPP) or account representatives (AR).

In respect of tax consultants, at the end of last year, through Announcement Number PENG-208/PJ/PJ.01/2020, the DGT also emphasised that the Confirmation of Taxpayer Status (Konfirmasi Status Wajib Pajak, hereinafter referred to as KSWP) is a compulsory requirement to obtain a number of tax consultant-related services.

The DGT claims that with the issuance of MoF Reg. 147/2020, services to tax consultants require KSWP. These types of services include, First, tax consultant practice licenses. Second, an increase in the tax consultant practice licenses. Third, the extension of the validity period of the tax consultant practice license card.

Fourth, the re-issuance of a copy of the practice license and/or tax consultant practice license card due to loss. Fifth, the re-issuance of the tax consultant practice license card due to changes in personal data. Sixth, the legalisation of the photocopy of a copy of the tax consultant practice license and/or tax consultant practice license card.

All applicants for these six services to the director general of taxes must fulfil the requirements as stipulated under MoF Reg. 111/2014 concerning Tax Consultants. In addition, it is mandatory to perform KSWP to obtain a Taxpayer Status Statement.

“Information on Taxpayer Status in the form of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Annual Income Tax Returns in the last 2 years is valid,” the DGT wrote in the announcement. (kaw)

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