What Is Truck Losing in Customs?

Nora Galuh Candra Asmarani
Kamis, 30 Juni 2022 | 10.30 WIB
What Is Truck Losing in Customs?

The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE) assumes many roles, among others, as a trade facilitator. As a trade facilitator, DGCE provides a variety of facilities to improve the flow of goods and trade.

The facilities provided by the DGCE include procedural facilities. There are various types of procedural facilities, among others, truck losing. This facility is considered able to reduce dwelling time and render more efficient logistics costs. As such, what is truck losing?


Referring to the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 229/PMK. 04/2015, truck losing is the unloading of imported goods directly from the means of transport arriving from outside the customs area to the land means of transport without stockpiling.

Truck losing may also refer to the facility of releasing goods without passing through the warehouse and directly loaded onto trucks to be subsequently released from the customs area (Anwar: 2014). According to Anwar, this facility is usually applied to goods in bulk or such as fertiliser, rice, sugar or scrap metal.

On the other hand, Suyono (2010) defines truck losing as the process of unloading carried out only through stevedoring or goods unloaded and subsequently transported by trucks and the goods are directly taken out of the port through the exit without passing through cargodoring and receiving.

Stevedoring is the activity of unloading goods from the ship to the dock/barge/ truck or loading goods from the dock/barge/truck onto the ship until the goods are arranged into the ship’s hatch using a ship crane or land crane or other loading and unloading equipment.

On the other hand, cargodoring refers to the activity of releasing goods from ropes/nets at the dock and transporting them from the dock to the warehouse/container yard to be arranged in the warehouse/container yard or vice versa.

Further, receiving is the activity of moving goods from the storage area in the warehouse/container yard and handing them over until the goods are arranged on vehicles at the gates of the warehouse/container yard or vice versa.

Pursuant to Article 8 of the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. KM.21/2007, truck losing is intended for staples, strategic materials, military goods and hazardous goods or materials that require special handling according to local port conditions

Similarly, Anwar states that truck losing may also be performed on certain goods, such as explosives, explosive hazardous goods or other strategic goods, such as machinery/power plants. (rig)

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