Consigned Goods Exempt from Import Duty, PMI Register with 2 Agencies

Dian Kurniati
Minggu, 17 Desember 2023 | 15.00 WIB
Consigned Goods Exempt from Import Duty, PMI Register with 2 Agencies


JAKARTA, DDTCNews – The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE) reminds us that customs incentives for imports of consigned goods for Indonesian migrant workers (pekerja migran Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as PMI) may be provided insofar as the PMI has been registered with a government agency.

The Director of Customs of the DGCE Fadjar Donny Tjahjadi said that these customs incentives are only given to PMI registered with the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Board (Badan Pelindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as BP2MI) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“This [requirement] is important in that PMIs must check their status on Sisko BP2MI and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ WNI Care Portal. If they are not registered, they cannot take advantage of [the customs incentives of MoF Reg. 141/2023),” he stated on Sunday (17/12/2023).

Fadjar said that PMIs not yet registered with Sisko BP2MI need to immediately register on the portal https://peduliwni.kemlu.go.id/ managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is because the PMI status in both systems will be verified by the DGCE before providing customs incentives.

Article 9 of MoF Reg. 141/2023 stipulates that consigned goods of PMI may be released from the customs territory after the postal operator submits the consignment note (hereinafter referred to as CN) to the customs office. The CN will later be verified by matching the data in the systems belonging to BP2MI and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On the other hand, courier service companies (perusahaan jasa titipan, hereinafter referred to as PJT) and Pos Indonesia are required to submit proof of cooperation with the forwarder overseas no later than 1 month.

Next, PJT and Pos Indonesia must ensure that the processed consigned goods actually belong to PMI registered with BP2MI or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ WNI Care Portal. Afterwards, PJT and Pos Indonesia must submit the CN with a complete description of the goods.

To enable the smooth implementation of the provisions on customs incentives for the consigned goods of PMI, BP2MI is asked to submit PMI data on Sisko BP2MI to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ WNI Care Portal. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also needs to provide PMI data for data exchange with the DGCE.

Through MoF Reg. 141/2023, the government provides customs incentives for imports of consigned goods of PMI with a customs value of no more than FOB US$500. These incentives include the exemption from import duty, non-collection of VAT and STLGs as well as non-collection of Import Article 22 Income Tax.

These incentives apply provided that goods are consigned a maximum of 3 times in 1 year for workers registered with BP2MI, and a maximum of 1 time for workers other than those registered with BP2MI. (rig)

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