Curious About the Global Minimum Tax? Check Out BKF’s ‘Ngonten Fiskal’

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Selasa, 21 Januari 2025 | 16.00 WIB
Curious About the Global Minimum Tax? Check Out BKF’s ‘Ngonten Fiskal’

Ngonten Fiskal Edisi 9 is themed 'Berkenalan dengan Pajak Minimum Global'.

JAKARTA, DDTCNews - The topic of global minimum tax has garnered more and more attention. Indonesia, along with over 40 other jurisdictions, is committed to implementing a global minimum tax by 2025. The legal basis has also been released, namely MoF Reg. 136/2024.

Discussions on the global minimum tax have been ongoing for a while, i.e., a minimum of five years following the commitments by G-20 and OECD countries to curb the practice of profit shifting that is detrimental to tax revenues in various countries.

Commonly referred to as Pillar 2, this agreement aims to ensure that multinational enterprises pay a minimum tax on profits generated in each jurisdiction. In other words, suppressing aggressive tax avoidance practices.

At its core, global minimum tax refers to a collective effort for countries across the world to close loopholes in the tax system that have been exploited by multinational enterprises. Ultimately, these loopholes have led to the loss of potential tax revenues, in particular, for developing countries.

As such, how will the global minimum tax be implemented? What is the impact on Indonesia?

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the global minimum tax and the legal basis for its implementation, MoF Reg. 136/2024, the Fiscal Policy Agency (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal/BKF in Indonesian) of the Ministry of Finance will host a casual discussion entitled Ngoten Fiskal Edition 9 themed ‘Be Acquainted with the Global Minimum Tax'.

This discussion will feature experts proficient in the topic of global minimum tax, namely the Senior Policy Analyst of the Center for Revenue Policy (Pusat Kebijakan Pendapatan Negara/PKPN in Indonesian) of the BKF Melani Dewi Astuti and Director of DDTC Fiscal Research & Advisory B. Bawono Kristiaji. Moderating the session will be BKF’s PKPN Senior Policy Analyst Marhaeny Masye Tualai.

The event will be streamed live on the Ministry of Finance’s BKF Youtube Channel on Wednesday, 22 January 2025 froms 14.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB. Don't miss it!

On another note, Ngonten Fiskal is a regular discussion series held by the Ministry of Finance’s BKF every last Thursday of the month. This event aims to socialise fiscal, economic, financial and international cooperation policies to the public. (sap)

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