IAI Holds International Tax Conference 2024 on Global Tax Issues

Nora Galuh Candra Asmarani
Rabu, 25 September 2024 | 16.00 WIB
IAI Holds International Tax Conference 2024 on Global Tax Issues


JAKARTA, DDTCNews - The Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants Tax Accountant Compartment (Kompartemen Akuntan Pajak Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia/KAPj IAI in Indonesian) and Moody's will host the International Tax Conference 2024 titled Managing Uncertainty in the Dynamic Global Tax Landscape.

The international conference is set for Thursday (3/10/2024) at 09.00-17.00 WIB in a hybrid format. The offline event will take place at Tentrem Hotel Yogyakarta. The online event, on the other hand, will be available via Zoom.

Supported by the ASEAN Federation of Accountants (AFA), the agenda will feature opening speeches by Moody's Senior Director Gary Ong and IAI President Ardan Adiperdana.

Further, Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara is scheduled to deliver a keynote speech. In addition, the Chairman of KAPj IAI John Liberty Hutagaol will also provide closing remarks at the event.

The conference will bring together tax authorities and tax practitioners from Indonesia, Japan, China, India and Australia to explore global tax issues. A total of 12 speakers participate in elaborating the topics.

The twelve speakers include DDTC Director of Fiscal Research & Advisory B. Bawono Kristiaji; Director of International Taxation of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Mekar Satria Utama; and Head of the Center for State Revenue Policy (Pusat Kebijakan Pendapatan Negara/PKPN in Indonesian) of the Fiscal Policy Agency (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal/BKF in Indonesian) Pande Putu Oka Kusumawardani.

Other experts include the Head of the Subdirectorate of Specific Transactions Audit, DGT Directorate of Tax Audit and Collection Affan Nuruliman; Head of Tax & Transfer Pricing, APAC and Middle East Moody's Paul McSavage; Head of Tax Division of PT Adaro Energy Jul Seventa Tarigan; and Matondang DGT employee Elsa Siburian.

Additionally, KPMG Indonesia Partner Jacob Swaan; Partner Hendersen Taxand Eve Xio; Transfer Pricing Leader Australia & New Zealand Crowe Australasia Luca Wright; Taxand India Partner Rahul Charkha; Partner of Deloitte Japan Jun Sawada will also be present.

This event is open to IAI members and the general public. IAI members will earn 8 participation credit units (Satuan Kredit Partisipasi/SKP in Indonesian). 

To register, visit the link. For further information, please contact Adam Pambudhi (+62 852-8369-6392) or Official Whatsapp +628111055141 or email: [email protected]. (rig)

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