Launching the Indonesian Tax Manual e-Book, DDTC Holds a Talk Show

Redaksi DDTCNews | Jumat, 03 Februari 2023 | 15:25 WIB
Launching the Indonesian Tax Manual e-Book, DDTC Holds a Talk Show

Poster talk show.

JAKARTA, DDTCNews - DDTC, an Indonesian tax institution, is to launch its DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual (DDTC ITM) 2023. DDTC ITM 2023 is an e-book containing guidelines on Indonesian taxation.

Along with the release of the e-book, a talk show entitled Uncovering Indonesian Tax Regulations through a Digital Platform will also be held on 14 February 2023 via online streaming (ZOOM) from 14.00-16.00 Indonesian Standard Time (GMT +7).

DDTC ITM is an electronic book that contains a summary of regulations and various recent developments related to taxation in Indonesia. The presence of this book is intended to facilitate stakeholders in understanding Indonesian taxation aspects.

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Prepared in a systematic, comprehensive, and up-to-date manner according to the latest tax laws and regulations, DDTC ITM is presented in English to help foreigners gain a better understanding of the country’s taxation regulations.

DDTC ITM 2023 is an updated version of the DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual Book released in 2022. This year, DDTC ITM is specially presented in a tax database platform also organised by DDTC, Perpajakan ID, thereby, the e-book is easily accessible, anywhere, anytime.

The talk show will invite DDTC ITM 2023 contributors, among others, David Hamzah Damian, Romi Irawan, B. Bawono Kristiaji, and Atika Ritmelina Marhani. A Tax Communicator Expert, Seftyana Trisia Pardosi will host the show.

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Further, 3 tax experts from Austria, Dubai, and India will also be present to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives on utilizing a comprehensive source of taxation to gain a better understanding of the regulations in other countries.

The first guest is Simon Hofstaetter. Simon is working for the Austrian Tax Administration since 2010. Currently, he has duties at the Tax Authority for Large Traders. He has a hybrid function, meaning that part of his work schedule is dedicated to working as a tax auditor, specializing in the pharmaceuticals division.

Our second guest is Thomas Vanhee. Thomas is the founder of Aurifer Tax Consulting, an award-winning boutique tax firm founded in Dubai and Riyadh. He generally handles corporate compliance related to direct taxes and transfer pricing.

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Last but not least is Rishabh Agarwal. The high-achieving chartered accountant is an expert in direct tax, international tax and transfer pricing. In 2022, Rishabh received his Master of Law degree (LL.M) in international tax from the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Stay current with the latest Indonesian taxation regulations development and learn further about the guests’ experiences by registering through Watch our latest video on the talk below:

Should you have any inquiry, please contact us through WhatsApp 0813-8080-4136 or email [email protected]. (rig)

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kakakamal 21 Februari 2023 | 23:55 WIB

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